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2024-2026 Three-Year Capital Investment Program

A special meeting was held on Tuesday, November 7, the municipal council adopted the 2024-2026 three-year Capital Investment Program (CIP), which includes investments of $35,390,000 over the course of 2024 to improve infrastructure, support major projects and enhance the municipal service offering.

“Faithful to our mission which states that, through the leadership of administration and practices focused on excellence, offer citizens a high-quality, welcoming living environment that they are proud to call home, we will continue to carry out projects that will benefit the entire community. We’ll be investing in infrastructure improvements and refurbishments, building bicycle paths and carrying out work on municipal buildings to ensure the continuity of services offered to our citizens and preserve the quality of our living environment,” said Mayor Tim Thomas.

You can consult the 2024-2026 Three-Year Capital Investment Program on the City’s website.

With regards to municipal infrastructure, work is planned to be carried on five projects: Millhaven and Monterrey, Sundale Avenue, Winthrop Avenue between Hymus and Jubilee Square, Boulevard des Sources between Saint-Louis and Belmont Avenues, and Belmont Avenue between Coolbreeze and Saddlewood. In addition, streetlight replacements are planned on boulevard des Sources (between autoroute 40 or Hymus and avenue Saint-Louis) and on avenues Belmont and Stillview, as well as other street lighting improvements.

The resurfacing of the tennis and pickleball courts is planned for Northview Park, while drainage work and the playing surface are scheduled for the Clearpoint Tennis Club. Work on the Boulingrin playing surface: pathway, retaining wall and fence repairs, as well as reconstruction of the stairs (court #3) are planned at Terra-Cotta Park. In addition, the bike path along Hymus Boulevard, from Alston Avenue to Stillview, in the Brigadoon Avenue sector, could be completed in 2024.

Major work is planned in collaboration with the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) on the viaducts, namely the A20 viaduct and the Sources pedestrian bridge, and professional services related to the major A40 and Saint-Jean viaduct rehabilitation project, including the construction of a multipurpose path (MTQ work in 2025 or 2026).

With regard to municipal buildings, a number of investments are planned in order to continue to meet the needs of today’s clientele and standards. Renovations are planned for the library (Valois branch) and the Aquatic Centre, as well as the re-roofing of the Ovide Park chalet and Cedar Park Heights chalet. Renovations to Fire Station 55 and the Public Security Unit building, as well as the renovation of the locker rooms at the Bob-Birnie Arena, are among the most important.

These investments support the commitments made in Pointe-Claire’s 2023-2030 Strategic Plan to : Optimize and maintain cultural infrastructure, parks, and play areas – Optimize public buildings and infrastructure and promote universal accessibility – Plan and contribute to the development of a safe, active transportation network.

Source: City of Pointe-Claire
Information: 514-630-1200, communications@pointe-claire.ca