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COVID-19 – New guidelines from the provincial government to slow the spread
In the current exceptional circumstances, the mayor of the City of Pointe-Claire, John Belvedere, is committed to facilitating access to general information and provide regular updates to Pointe-Claire citizens on the latest decisions by public authorities in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.
Accordingly, a summary of all the relevant information of the day will be posted regularly.
The Québec government has issued new guidelines to limit the spread of COVID-19, reminding everyone that it is important to follow the prevention measures already in place, which include staying home, washing your hands, and avoiding family gatherings and non-essential travel from one region to another. Stay in touch with loved ones by phone and social media.
- Those aged 70 and over must stay home. They represent the most at-risk category of people if they contract the virus. A government information message given by former news anchor Bernard Derome and actor Dominique Michel will be sent to seniors this evening through automated phone calls.
- If you have symptoms of COVID-19: 514-644-4545
Those who are ill and experiencing symptoms must call 514-644-4545 for the Montréal area or 1-877-644-4545. These people must stay at home and make an appointment first to be directed to a healthcare centre.
- If you have other health problems: call your family doctor, who can now give consultations by phone.
- It is unlikely that elementary and secondary schools will reopen on March 31, but online classes could be an option at the cegep and university level to allow students to complete the term.
Economic measures
Economic support for Québec businesses in the amount $2.5 billion has been announced.
- Through the Programme d’action concertée temporaire pour les entreprises (temporary concerted action program for businesses—PACTE), eligible companies, including cooperatives, non-profit organizations (NPOs) and social economy enterprises carrying out commercial activities, can receive financial support for problems involving either the supply of raw materials or products (goods or services), or an inability or a substantially decreased ability to deliver goods, products or services.
- This financial assistance is designed to shore up their working capital so that they can continue their activities.
- Apart from a few exceptions, businesses in all industries are eligible. The financial assistance, in the amount of at least $50,000, is granted in the form of a loan guarantee, but may also be in the form of a loan.
- The main terms and the procedure for obtaining assistance are available on the Investissement Québec website.
- Eligible businesses interested in obtaining more information or benefitting from this assistance can call 1-844-474-6367 or their regional office, indicated on the website.
“We must all be vigilant. Our solidarity toward one another and compliance with all the measures put in place are the best ways to ensure success, together, in the face of this public health situation,” the mayor concludes.