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Five activity kits for adults living with memory loss
Central Library
The City of Pointe-Claire is providing citizens with bilingual activity kits to stimulate the faculties of adults living with cognitive disorders.
The five activity kits are for people with disorders as well as for their caregivers and support workers.
The kits come in an easy-to-carry bag and contain various items and documents for a series of varied activities: books, images, sensory board, musical instruments, exercise sheets, and lots more. Each kit is unique but some items are included in more than one kit.
The kits can be requested at the circulation desk at the Central Library and can be borrowed for four weeks. Reserve them on the Library portal by clicking on the kit of your choice, below. For a complete description of each kit, select the “Details” tab.
o Kit 1
o Kit 2 |
o Kit 3 | o Kit 4 |
o Kit 5 |
How to use the kits
On January 26, a member of Alzheimer Group Inc. (AGI) gave a presentation on the kits, their content and their use as tools for caregivers. To watch the recorded presentation, call the information desk at 514- 630-1218, ext. 1630.
This project is the fruit of a collaboration between the City’s departments and Alzheimer Groupe Inc. (AGI).
Information: 514-630-1218, ext. 1630 or bibliotheque@pointe-claire.ca