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Pointe-Claire ranks first on the Island in terms of waste collection
Pointe-Claire ranks first among the top performing cities on the Island of Montréal in the 2017 waste management report, thanks to residents taking action for sustainable development. The mayor, city councillors, and the entire municipal administration are proud of this achievement.
“This exceptional citizen commitment has allowed us to achieve a 70% waste recovery rate in 2017, due to proper waste sorting. The cooperation of both the public and our crews made these results possible,” said the Mayor of Pointe-Claire, John Belvedere.
In five years, the tonnage of household waste sent to landfills has decreased by nearly one third (30%) in Pointe-Claire. This means these materials have been reclaimed instead of being sent to landfills, benefiting the environment and the best waste management practices.
Pointe-Claire also ranks first in recyclable materials among all the cities of the Agglomeration of Montréal, with a result of 77% for 2017, up 1% over last year, compared to the government target of 70%.
Pointe-Claire’s recovery rate for organic waste was 57%, up 2% over 2016, bringing it closer to the government objective of 60%. This performance is due to the many initiatives aiming to help residents participate in this collection, such as the Waste Management Squad, the addition of a new online tool to help sort materials properly, the distribution of kitchen cones, the recovery of mattresses during monthly Ecocentre days, the launch of the children’s book Leonard’s Composting Adventures, and the workshops to raise awareness about waste management in elementary schools, daycare centres, and day camps.
Pointe-Claire also ranks first among all cities on the Island of Montréal for the recovery of construction materials, renovation debris, and bulky materials, with a result of 77%, once again exceeding the government target of 70%.
“These results show our common efforts and our commitment to protect our environment for current and future generations. We will continue our initiatives and actions in order to maintain and exceed these results. Once again this year, the Waste Management Squad crisscrossed the city during the summer to meet and assist homeowners in their everyday waste management. We care about sustainable development, and these figures confirm that our actions are bearing fruit thanks to the exemplary collaboration and participation of our residents,” said Mayor John Belvedere in conclusion.