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Remembrance Day – Veterans honoured with ceremony and parade
The mayor of the City of Pointe-Claire, Morris Trudeau, and members of City Council invite residents to attend a Remembrance Day ceremony this Sunday, November 6.
“This is an occasion for Canadians to commemorate our veterans and honour them for what they did and what they sacrificed to defend our freedom,” says Mayor Trudeau.
In keeping with tradition, a parade will precede this event, beginning at 9:20 a.m. at the corner of Hornell and Dieppe and proceeding along Hornell, Saint-Louis, Maywood, Douglas-Shand and Civic-Centre. The Remembrance Day ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. at the cenotaph, the monument erected in memory of fallen soldiers, located behind City Hall.
Members of the Royal Canadian Legion, the 2806 Pointe-Claire Cadet Corps, the 690 Lakeshore Air Cadet Squadron, Scouts and Guides, and the Pointe-Claire Volunteer Rescue Unit will take part in the parade, which will include a brass band. To ensure safety, traffic will be halted in the sector for the duration of the parade.
“On behalf of Council, we invite citizens to join us and to wear a poppy,” adds Mayor Trudeau. “It’s a symbol that says we remember those who died at war to defend the freedom that we enjoy every day of our lives.”
Information: 514-630-1200, communications@pointe-claire.ca