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Reminder: First instalment of municipal taxes

The City of Pointe-Claire would like to remind you that your first municipal tax payment is due on Thursday, February 6, 2025. 

There are a number of ways to pay your municipal taxes, transfer duties and water tax:  

  • Through a financial institution: in person, by telephone, over the Internet or at an ATM. The same “Reference number for electronic payment” must be used for payment of municipal taxes, transfer duties and water bills; 
  • By cheque or money order payable to the City of Pointe-Claire (please allow three business days for delivery); 
  • In person, at the City Hall tax counter: by Interac debit, cheque or in cash. 

* Please allow a few business days for your financial institution to process the transaction. 

For more information, visit the taxes page.

Finance Department – taxes 
514-630-1300 ext. 1829