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Thursday, October 25, at 9:30 a.m. – Ceremony and walk to celebrate the initiatives at Terra-Cotta Natural Park
The mayor of Pointe-Claire, John Belvedere, and the members of City Council invite residents to the ceremony highlighting the initiatives at Terra-Cotta Natural Park, benefitting the entire community, on Thursday, October 25, 2018, at 9:30 a.m., at the Maywood entrance to Terra-Cotta Natural Park. Following the ceremony, a walk will take place in the park to present the initiatives.
“Terra-Cotta Natural Park is an exceptional woodland in the heart of our city. It is a natural environment that we will continue to improve and protect,” stated Mayor John Belvedere.
These improvements were carried out in collaboration with the Fondation Hydro-Québec pour l’environnement (FHQE) and Nature-Action Québec.
Thanks to these partnerships, wildlife habitats– including a hibernation area for snakes, two screech owl nest boxes, and two bat houses – were installed, and standing dead trees were preserved to be used as a habitat or source of food for various species. The partnerships have also allowed nearly 1,400 different trees and shrubs to be planted and twelve interpretive panels, including two interactive panels and ten signs at various park entrances, to be installed.
Specific awareness activities, particularly with Pointe-Claire elementary school students, and community planting days open to all were organized. The next activity will take place on Thursday, October 25, following the ceremony. Students at Saint-Louis Elementary School will take part in a nature walk in the park for the occasion.
This project was made possible thanks to a $70,000 investment from the City of Pointe-Claire and a $93,000 contribution from the FHQE.
“These improvements will preserve this ecologically valuable natural urban woodland, as well as provide safer access to trails and offer an enriching experience to visitors, all while protecting the wildlife and plants in our natural park,” said Mayor Belvedere in conclusion.
For more information:
City of Pointe-Claire
514-630-1200, communications@pointe-claire.ca, www.www.pointe-claire.ca
Nature-Action Québec
450-536-0422, ext. 237, elise.belanger@nature-action.qc.ca, www.nature-action.qc.ca
Nature-Action Québec is a non-profit organization that promotes better environmental practices. It works in collaboration with municipalities, corporations, community organizations, and citizens to carry out group projects focused on sustainable development.