Hitler vs Picasso and Others

  • On October 21, 2021 at 7:00PM
  • Stewart Hall Cultural Centre – Reading and Reference Room Find address
  • Reservation required: 514-630-1220, ext.1795 or brooke.jurdak@pointe-claire.ca
  • In French
  • Passeport vaccinal requis pour toute personne âgée de 13 ans et plus


Munich, 1937: The Nazis hold two exhibitions seeking to defend Aryan values: one stigmatizes and bans what is considered “degenerate art,” while the other glorifies “classic art.” These high-profile exhibits marked the beginning of the great Nazi plunder orchestrated by Hitler and Goering. This fascinating documentary highlights works by famous artists examining the influence of art in political regimes.


DIRECTOR: Claudio Poli