
Stewart Hall Cultural Centre offers rich, diverse programming.

For more information about the Cultural Centre’s performing arts, exhibitions and special events programming, consult:

Cultural Workshops

For complete information regarding the workshops offered at the Cultural Center, consult the Leisure Guide.

For registration dates, please visit our Registration page.

To register, visit

Physical activities

Activities for parents and families
  • Karibou – Motor Skill Activities for 1- to 5-Year-Olds
  • Dance
  • Circus and trapeze
Activities for adults and seniors
  • Modern line dancing
  • Ballroom dancing
  • Belly dancing – Oriental dance
  • Argentine tango
  • Classical ballet
  • Multi-dance
  • Zumba® fitness
  • SHiNE®
  • Scottish Country Dancing
  • Low impact cardio and toning
  • Pilates
  • Fusion fitness
  • Essentrics – Classical stretching
  • Relaxing flow yoga
  • Easy yoga for seniors
  • Hatha yoga
  • Yoga stretching
  • Tai Chi Chuan – Yang style

Cultural activities

Activities for children, families, and the general public
  • Preschool program – Learning Through Play
  • Music Program Suzuki Method – Violin and Flute Workshops
  • Musical Awakenings
  • Guitard or Ukulele – Individual Lessons
  • Art
  • Theatre
  • Spanish for Kids
Activities for adults
  • Artists’ study group – Studio with a live model
  • Drawing Studio
  • Oil-Acrylic Painting Studio
  • Drawing and Painting Workshop
  • Mixed Media on paper
  • Pastel
  • Monoprinting
  • Collage
  • Wet felting
  • Art Walks (visits to studios and art galleries)
  • Watercolours
  • Pottery – Throwing
  • Stained Glass
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • German
  • English
  • Digital Photography
  • Wine tasting

Pre-school: Learning through play!

A unique pre-school cultural development program for children aged 3 to 5.

A variety of activities in visual arts, music, drama, science and creative movement and play are offered to develop creativity, motor skills, social skills and self-esteem in a bilingual environment. Children also have access to exceptional activities such as shows, visits to the Art Gallery, field trips and special guests. The aim is to have fun while putting art at the heart of learning.

Preschool program – Learning through play


Monday to Thursday: 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Mid-September to mid-June

A fun and creative lunch program is also offered between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Space is limited.

Educational Programming

Arts and crafts
Monday to Thursday

The teacher suggests various projects to the children that involve safe and stimulating materials: finger paints, clay, plaster, paper mâché, felt, modelling clay, etc.

Arts and crafts are an opportunity for children to discover shapes and colours. Children also work on their fine motor skills while developing their creativity. This programming includes 2D and 3D projects, individual projects, large murals and group models.

Mondays and Tuesdays

The teacher sings songs with the children that get them moving. A large collection of percussion instruments are also used for children to learn musical rhythm and notes.

Music helps children express their emotions and develop their language and social skills through group musical games. They will also discover a variety of musical styles and learn to recognize sounds from different musical instruments.

Wednesday and Thursday

The teacher leads the children in role-playing games, storytelling and making up stories. Children learn to mime situations and show emotions while having fun and showing respect.

Drama helps children express themselves with their bodies, facial expressions and words. They discover other facets of their personality and have fun pretending to be different characters. Several props are also used to stimulate their imagination and change their “look.”

Wednesdays and Thursdays

With their teacher, children discover the world of science through thematic and manipulative games on topics such as space, vehicles, animals, dinosaurs, color and light, magnetism, the environment and more.

Preschool science enhances knowledge, development and fine motor skills, and aims to spark and nurture curiosity and wonder.

Creative movement and games
Monday to Thursday

The teacher shows the children how fun it is to play together, cooperate, compete and discover a wealth of practical information (numbers, letters, seasons, etc.).

Creative play prepares children for the world of grown-ups, and for the pleasure of learning about different subjects: reading, the library, geography, the environment, cooking, science, astronomy and more. Activities enable children to develop different horizons: learning a second language, improving their vocabulary, becoming interested in scientific experiments, collaborating and sharing. A short period of free play takes place during this workshop.

A wide range of games and activities with tunnels, exercise balls, balance circuits, hoops, etc., encourage children to move and develop their gross motor skills.

A short period of free play takes place during this workshop.


Information and registration: 514-630-1220, extension 1774 or


Cultural mediation and school programming

For the complete listing of activities, please contact Josée Lavigne, 514-630-1220, ext. 1722, or


SCHOOL PROGRAM From preschool to secondary school

The Stewart Hall Art Gallery offers guided tours of its exhibitions along with creative workshops for groups ranging from preschool (daycares, etc.), to secondary school.


The Stewart Hall Art Gallery offers guided tours and creative workshops for groups of different nature: college, university, seniors, and others.

SPECIAL PROJECTS  The Stewart Hall Art Gallery also develops one-time special projects designed for and with our partners and members of the community.

Violin and flute program

Suzuki Method

Founded by Japanese musician and teacher Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, the Suzuki method is based on the mother tongue approach: music is learned the way language is learned. Neither language nor musical abilities are inherited, and the potential of every child is unlimited. The Suzuki method aims to create a stimulating environment that will awaken a child’s desire to play an instrument. A parent’s participation is vital to the development of the child’s natural talent. Parents are asked to attend class and supervise home practice.

No musical background is necessary.

With Sallyee Amawat, Emily Redhead and Sylvia Niedzwiecka

Individual classes (with some group lessons)

September to May (31 sessions)
Schedule: Between 3 and 8 p.m. (approximately)
Duration of each session: 30 to 60 minutes depending on the child’s level.

Violin: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday

Flute: Tuesday and Thursday

Age 4 and up, including adults
Registration at any time.
Call 514-630-1220, ext. 1777

2024 Pointe-Claire Artisan Show

The Pointe-Claire Artisan Show is a juried craft fair featuring the original creations of approximately 30 carefully selected craftspeople. The Artisan Show takes place at the Stewart Hall Cultural Centre, a picturesque historic mansion on the shores of Lake Saint-Louis, Saturday and Sunday, November 23 and 24, 2024. We encourage all interested artisans to submit their candidacy. Join us for a weekend filled with handmade talent and inspiration in a magnificent setting!

The submission period is now closed.


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For more information, please call 514-630-1220 or email us at
