Revitalization of the Pointe-Claire Village
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Pointe-Claire Village
A new project was launched in 2013 in an effort to enhance the appeal of the Pointe-Claire Village as a top destination in the West Island while highlighting its heritage.
The City teamed up with Convercité, an agency that specializes in public participation and commercial revitalization, to diagnose the village’s strengths, weaknesses, limitations and opportunities for improvement and identify key urban planning and development issues.
This first phase sought input from citizens, business owners and community organizations. This diagnosis led to the development of a Special Planning Program (SPP), adopted in 2016.
Since then, the City has begun implementing the SPP with the reconstruction of Cartier Avenue, the development of a parking policy and a conservation plan for the La pointe Claire heritage site, as well as the adoption of new planning by-laws to protect and revitalize the sector.
Conservation Plan for the La pointe Claire Heritage Site
The conservation plan is based on a three-step approach. It describes and helps readers become more familiar with the heritage site, brings its significance to light, and defines policy directions. It is a reference document to guide decisions concerning all interventions in this historic area. Its implementation is harmonized with the contents of the Special Planning Program (SPP) for Pointe-Claire Village, adopted in 2016.
It is meant first and foremost for property owners in this valued area and for municipal managers. It contains all of the guidelines to ensure that actions taken in the sector are compatible with the heritage values that need to be protected.
Village Code and other planning by-laws of the Village of Pointe-Claire
The goal of the Village Code is to centralize, simplify, and illustrate various planning by-laws for this special area of the City in terms of zoning, subdivision, site planning, and architectural integration. The Village Code is based on the principles of the Form-based Code approach, which relies on urban form to create a pleasant, dynamic, human-scale environment that respects our heritage.
The final version of the Village Code adopted by City Council on April 3, 2018 is available for consultation.
You can also download the file by clicking HERE.
Community oriented commercial use in the Heritage Site of La Pointe Claire
Pointe-Claire Village parking management policy
A specialized firm was authorized to complete a diagnosis of the current parking situation in order to analyze the rate of occupation, the number of spaces, demand, the quality of the facilities, signage, and the management framework. These data helped to identify issues that need to be addressed. A meeting with residents, a participative workshop, and an online poll allowed for more data to be collected and a better understanding of uses and needs.
Pointe-Claire Village public consultations
The Pointe-Claire Village public consultations held last winter have once again confirmed the commitment of all residents to encourage the preservation of a quality living environment while enhancing the Village’s character and assets in a vision focused on sustainable development.
Consult the document (uploaded June 5, 2019)
Cartier Avenue transformed into a “complete street”
Cartier Avenue has been redesigned according to the concept of a “complete street.” Complete streets support accessible, safe and comfortable travel for all road users. To achieve this, Cartier Avenue now features:
- cycling facilities: a two-way bike path separated from the street by a green strip
- traffic calming measures: narrowing and winding of the roadway to slow down traffic, reduction of the speed limit to 40 km/h
- trees and perennials on the green strip
For more information : 514-630-1206,