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Intervention by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MAMH)
At a special meeting held on Tuesday, April 16, the Pointe-Claire City Council adopted a resolution seeking assistance from the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation (MAMH) to help the City of Pointe-Claire create a healthy and caring environment.
Support is activated at the request of municipalities when difficulties arise that are likely to have an impact on services to citizens, the state of municipal finances and/or Council’s ability to pursue its activities effectively and pass the required resolutions and by-laws.
Under Section 7 of its Constituent Act, “The Minister shall see to the good administration of the municipal system in the interest of the municipalities and their citizens”. MAMH’s offer of assistance, support and guidance to municipalities is provided free of charge.
When a municipality wishes to obtain support from the Ministry, it must contact its regional branch. This branch assesses the nature of the problem and proposes a support approach that may include, but is not limited to, working meetings, suggestions for improving the general operation of the municipal council, and assistance and support from the specialized services of the Ministry and the Commission municipale du Québec. When the situation calls for conflict management within the municipal council, regional management can use a mediation-based approach.
MAMH’s involvement in municipal management is guided by four main principles:
- Neutrality of the Ministry and its employees;
- Respect for municipal autonomy;
- Promoting rules and best practices;
- Partnerships with municipal authorities and associations.
Pointe-Claire residents will be informed of the next steps as they become available. Generally speaking, regional interventions are intended to encourage compliance and take the form of reminders of the applicable rules.
Source: City of Pointe-Claire 514-630-1200, communications@pointe-claire.ca