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City Council demands a revision of the 2018 Agglomeration budget
Increase of 6.4% imposed on Pointe-Claire by Montreal
In an extraordinary public meeting held Tuesday evening at City Hall, the mayor of the City of Pointe-Claire, John Belvedere, and the members of City Council unanimously adopted a resolution demanding a revision of the 2018 budget for the Agglomeration of Montreal, which imposes an increase of $3.7 M to the contribution of the City compared to 2017.
“This 6.4% increase to our contribution to the Agglomeration of Montreal is four times greater than the rate of inflation for 2018. It is unacceptable. We ask that the Plante-Dorais administration re-examine its inflationary budget and make the necessary adjustments in order to maintain an average budget increase that is below the inflation rate,” stated Mayor Belvedere.
The budget of the Agglomeration of Montreal accounts for over 50% of every dollar collected from taxpayers in Pointe-Claire. The City’s contribution to the Agglomeration in 2017 was $59 M. For 2018, the amount imposed by the Plante-Dorais administration provides for a contribution of nearly $63 M. Notable agglomeration services include the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM), the Service de sécurité incendie (SIM), the Société de transport de Montréal (STM), managing the quality of drinking water and bodies of water, air quality, the municipal court, and property assessment.
“Our citizens expect their elected officials to exercise their responsibilities in a serious and rigorous manner to ensure the future of our municipal infrastructure, facilities and buildings while also taking into account the ability of residents to pay, both now and in the long term. This increase represents nearly $115 per citizen for Pointe-Claire, which is excessive,” added Mayor Belvedere.
In a letter addressed to the mayor of Montreal, Ms. Valérie Plante, Mayor Belvedere insisted that the budget be revised as soon as possible.
“On behalf of all residents and taxpayers in Pointe-Claire, we offer our full cooperation in the budget revision exercise to limit this increase below the inflation rate so that all of us can emerge as winners,” said Mayor Belvedere in conclusion.
Mayor Belvedere joins the Association of Suburban Municipalities of Montreal and the mayors of the 15 cities on the island of Montreal connected with the metropolis in demanding a revision of the proposed budget.
Information: 514-630-1200, communications@pointe-claire.ca