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Youth Advisory Board – Ready for a fourth year!
The Mayor of Pointe-Claire, Tim Thomas, and the members of City Council are pleased to present the 10 youth who will form the Youth Advisory Board (YAB) of the City of Pointe-Claire for the year 2022.
The new members were selected at the City Council meeting on December 7. This year, of the 10 young people on the Board, three will be in their third mandate, two in their second and, together, they will be enthusiastically welcoming five new members to take on fresh challenges. Bilingual and between the ages of 14 and 21, the members are Pointe-Claire residents who are engaged in their community. They will begin their mandate in January.
Cassandra Gillen (3rd mandate), Julian Hees (2nd mandate), Magali Shimotakahara (3rd mandate), Sarah Wu (2nd mandate) and Daniel-Jiajun Yu (3rd mandate) welcome Chiara Baramante, Maya Shah-Busby, Alexandre Siou, Emma Stork and Nathan Thomas to the Board.
“We are happy to see young people from Pointe-Claire getting involved in their community. After learning about the rich experiences and background they are bringing with them, I know that the Youth Advisory Board will come up with new ideas to improve the lives of youth and the city in general. We wish them a mandate full of exciting challenges,” said Pointe-Claire Mayor Tim Thomas.
During the year, the Board will meet at least six times to review projects and present recommendations to City Council. Their recommendations will focus on improving activities, facilities and public services to ensure that they continue to respond more effectively to the needs of young people living in Pointe-Claire. The YAB will also be invited to represent the City of Pointe-Claire at events and activities.
Follow the Board’s activities on their Instagram account CCJ sur Instagram!
The 2022 Youth Advisory Board (starting from the top row, left to right): Alexandre Siou, Chiara Bramante, Sarah Wu, Magali Shimotakahara, Nathan Thomas, Emma Stork, Cassandra Gillen, Julia Hees, Maya Shah-Busny, Daniel-Jiajun Yu.